Tantra is all about understanding sexual energy, respecting it and channeling it - to awaken us, enlighten us, clear us of impediments and help us fulfill our potential.
Tantra is enjoyable, but it also has purpose. Sexual energy may well be the greatest power in the cosmos. It is capable of utterly transforming us and is the only power capable of unfolding all our potential. And if you think that's overstating the case ... prepare to be amazed.
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Helena, goddess of Tantra, has educated me in ways I had never dreamt possible. Working on my chakras she has created energy flows so powerful that my life has dramatically changed for the better.
Along with this change, through other tantric rituals, she has empowered me with the totum of my beast, opened my heart to love , strengthened my mind to see clearly and awoken my spirit to the journey of self discovery.